Application & Registration Process

You must register and be granted a Limited Use License to organize a Walk a Mile in Her Shoes® Event and use Walk related materials. Registration insures the integrity of the Walk and obligates you to the terms of the Organizer's Agreement. A Walk Event is an opportunity to actively involve men to raise community awareness about the causes, effects and remedies to men's violence against women. A Walk Event Organizer must acknowledge and agree to the terms of the Organizer's Agreement to obtain a Walk Organizer's Limited Use License.

Apply for a License

You apply and purchase a Limited Use License here. The Limited Use License:

  • Is valid for one year from the date of your registration.

  • Is valid for only one Walk Event on one date in one location during the valid year.

  • You must apply and register for a new Limited Use License for:

    • each year,

    • each individual Walk Event,

    • each and every Walk Event location.

  • You are not approved and have not been granted a Limited Use License until your registration application is reviewed and confirmed and you are emailed your Limited Use License. Paying the Registration Fee does not equal approval and authorization. If you pay the Registration Fee and you are not approved, your Registration Fee will be refunded. Please review all the requirements prior to applying and registering. If you have any questions, contact us.

Note: You cannot change the name of a Walk a Mile in Her Shoes® Event. The name is always Walk a Mile in Her Shoes®. See Organizer's Agreement and Image & Identity Guidelines for more information. A Walk Event cannot be named anything like "Walk a Mile in Their Shoes," or "Walk Awhile in Their Shoes" or "A Walk in Their Shoes," etc. These do not live up to the spirit and purpose of this awareness and fundraising event. Organizing variations on Walk a Mile in Her Shoes® under another name or for other purposes (for example, breast cancer awareness) may be a trademark violation and subject to legal action.